"Fabulous quality, small yields, and limited production from 2021.”
The 2021 growing season was marked by challenges, but the results are nothing short of exceptional. Despite extremely low rainfall in the winter and spring, which required growers to carefully manage water and vine vigor, the vines ultimately thrived. Smaller canopies, shorter shoots, and lower yields have culminated in wines with massive flavors and beautiful aromatics.
While the reservoirs were low, and irrigation decisions were critical, the vines proved resilient, producing grapes of remarkable quality. Different parts of the Valley revealed unique sugar accumulation patterns, leading to an early, fully ripe harvest. A warm, dry summer followed by a relatively cool August allowed the vines to develop intense flavors and vibrant color. The vintage boasts small berries, tiny clusters, and uniform ripening, resulting in truly fabulous wines. The white wines exhibit great acidity and fragrance, while the red wines are characterized by moderate tannins and rich, complex flavors.
*Product Excluded from Discounts"